
Enhance Your Infinite Flight Experience!

A Windows and Mac OS tool for displaying instrument panels for your Infinite Flight flights.

Heading Instrument

General Aviation Instruments

PanelNinja comes with six standard GA instruments in a standard panel layout.

Custom Panel Layout

Custom Panels and Instruments

PanelNinja lets you build you own instruments with custom graphics and logic as well as define your own panel layouts using any instruments..

Want to suggest new features or report bugs?
Join our Trello board

And ... PanelNinja is free!

We want to contribute to the IF community so hope you will enjoy PanelNinja -- now available in the Mac App Store and Windows Store.

Infinite Flight API Clients

Open-source Javascript clients for the Infinite Flight Live and Connect v2 APIs

ifc2 is an open source Javascript Node client designed to use the Connect v2 API to get and set aircraft and system states and issue commands to Infinite Flight.

Get the source code from GitHub | Use the npm package

iflive is an open source Javascript Node client designed to use the Infinite Flight Live v2 API.

Get the source code from GitHub | Use the npm package

ifc2 and iflive are made available to the community under the Apache license by FlightSim Ninja's @likeablegeek.


Open-source Chrome Extension for Decoding METAR Reports

Having trouble understanding METAR reports? With METARdecoder, you can figure out what your report says instantly! This open source Chrome extension allows simulator pilots with less experience to forget the stress of not being able to easily and quickly understand the information in METAR reports, which can make or break a flight. METARdecoder is built by FlightSim Ninja's @likeablegeek and @EththeEth and is available to the community under the MIT license.

Get the source code from GitHub

Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store